
Control IC to buy teaching E

LED control IC is mainly applied in full-color gradient dimming control guardrail lamps, LED decorative lamps, landscape classes, and other full-color RGB light source lamp synchronized scanning, full-color color control. With the growing popularity of LED light source, more and more customers to the LED controller, the controller was no way to buy many customers, LED products on the market now mainstream attention to the questions as follows:A low-voltage high-power LED products controllerLow-voltage LED products are generally designed voltage 12V-36V, the number of each circuit LED in series 3-6, with the step-down current limiting resistor, each loop current 20mA or less. An LED products from more than one loop of LED components, the advantage of low pressure, simple structure, easy to design; disadvantage: when the current is very large product, you need to configure the low-voltage switching power supply. The shortcomings of the products, limited, low-voltage long distance transmission is impossible, are limited to the small volume products, such as sign language, and other small graphics.According to this feature, the controller design specifications: 12V selection 75A/30V MOS power of control, the output current of 8A / Road; 24-36V control for use 60A/50V MOS power, output current 5A / road. Users can select the controller according to the above specifications of large ones, can buy low transition series, the gradient can also buy low-Series controller. Note must be a common anode LED (+) pole connection method, controller Yin (-) pole, the controller does not include low-voltage power supply.
Second, the pressure controller type LED products
High voltage type LED product design AC / DC 220V voltage, the number of 36-48 each LED circuit in series, each loop current of 20mA or less, limiting in two ways, one is the current limiting resistor, power resistor in this way consumption of larger, it is recommended every 4 LED in series with a resistor 1/4W metal mold, evenly distributed heat, this connection is the most stable in the present. The other is limiting resistor and capacitor in series, this connection most of the voltage drop in the capacitor, resistor power consumption, can only be used in a stable long bright state, if the flash capacitor energy storage, but doubling the voltage, LED is easy to damage. Those who use the controller's LED current limiting resistor must be used way, LED general each loop one meter, power 5W, three-color power per meter 15W.Common gradient controller NE112K control DC 1200W, NE103D AC load 4500W DC load 1500W, if the lamp flashes on the use of multi-unit NE112K, if you only need to use the whole flash NE103D. If you use a gradient method, to pay attention to the load matching, neon and LED light-emitting properties of the distribution is not the same, then the same circuit can not mix different types of load.
Third, the low-voltage LED product serial controllerLow-voltage LED products is to control the serial controller features more than large ones, the use of serial signal transmission to achieve control, the control unit 512 generally requires only four control connections, serial LED in the LED light source controller board needs with a register, the controller can use models NE040S controller, the controller's maximum capacity of 4096KBit, if the load cell 512 can be the largest LED screen to achieve 8192.

For more visit: www.bgocled.com

DC characteristics of LED's along the side and reversecharacteristics

DC characteristics of LED's along the side and reversecharacteristics

Semiconductor material has a very interesting feature is the so-called carrier; carrier is divided into two categories: one for theelectronics, with a negative charge; the other for holes, positively charged. LCD light-emitting principle is to use two kinds ofcarriers can be combined under certain conditions, the energy released in the form of photons release and light.

As a result, according to different materials, electron and holeenergy level occupied by different means that the relative electron and hole energy levels is to determine the height difference between the two carriers are issued with the level of energy, they can produce different energy photons, thereby to control thewavelength of light emitted by the LED, which is the spectral orcolor.

Most of the applications, LED all the way over to DC to make, it has the following features:

Cis-side features: When a positive DC voltage with sufficient time, LED current to rise rapidly, and this leads to a current is called"cis-side current," while the voltage across the LED is called"cis-side the voltage. "If the voltage range of peaks and valleysmeans that the quality of an exception, usually the shorter the wavelength of the LED the voltage will be higher.

Reverse side features: As the name suggests is to give LEDnegative voltage, also known as "drain voltage", in general,different LED materials will have their reasonable voltage, reversevoltage characteristics caused by bad because electrostaticdischarge, the this feature can also be used to assess the quality of the LED.

  For more visit: www.bgocled.com