
DC characteristics of LED's along the side and reversecharacteristics

DC characteristics of LED's along the side and reversecharacteristics

Semiconductor material has a very interesting feature is the so-called carrier; carrier is divided into two categories: one for theelectronics, with a negative charge; the other for holes, positively charged. LCD light-emitting principle is to use two kinds ofcarriers can be combined under certain conditions, the energy released in the form of photons release and light.

As a result, according to different materials, electron and holeenergy level occupied by different means that the relative electron and hole energy levels is to determine the height difference between the two carriers are issued with the level of energy, they can produce different energy photons, thereby to control thewavelength of light emitted by the LED, which is the spectral orcolor.

Most of the applications, LED all the way over to DC to make, it has the following features:

Cis-side features: When a positive DC voltage with sufficient time, LED current to rise rapidly, and this leads to a current is called"cis-side current," while the voltage across the LED is called"cis-side the voltage. "If the voltage range of peaks and valleysmeans that the quality of an exception, usually the shorter the wavelength of the LED the voltage will be higher.

Reverse side features: As the name suggests is to give LEDnegative voltage, also known as "drain voltage", in general,different LED materials will have their reasonable voltage, reversevoltage characteristics caused by bad because electrostaticdischarge, the this feature can also be used to assess the quality of the LED.

  For more visit: www.bgocled.com

